Heal From The Inside Out
How can I? I don't have time and there’s so much being thrown at me from the outside! You’ve noticed this and asked yourself these same questions. Today’s world is swirly and demanding, to say the least! It’s taking the stuffing out of each and everyone of us. We are sicker and in more pain than we've ever been.
I know after years of practice, that “if we don’t take time to go within, then we absolutely go without”. What does it really mean to be in alignment in today’s world? This is what I’m looking forward to sharing in a deep dive into the essence of Being. Being in today’s world is not easy but it’s absolutely doable and thrivable. When we take the time to truly understand what it means to follow our ancestral blueprint, the very design within our bodies that promote our alignment, then we shall be able to handle whatever comes at us from the outside.
The next four weeks I’m going to be looking at our design for being human. What is the structural design we own? How are we designed to stand on the ground and move? Could I have less pain doing so? Yes you can! Understanding how your feet work, how gravity works and how your body works together with your feet and your mind bring together the essence of what it means to be human in today’s world. How do you feel alignment inside? How do you come back to that feeling over and again? These are the things I explore day in and day out with my clients and what I want to explore with a group of interested and motivated people.
Are you ready to get to the root cause of the pain you’ve been having? Is it too daunting to take on yet another session of therapy but you still want answers? Feel how you stand and walk and personally tailor the exercises you can do to bring yourself into healthier alignment. You’ll notice immediately what happens when you bring a better structure into your frame. That structured frame ihas resilience to deal with whatever life throws at you. We will do a systems overview of your feet, your spine and the fascia, the nervous system, how you breathe, how your organs work effectively and how they work all together. Get into nourishing self-care, ways of going through your day that will reduce body pain and promote vital wellness. It’s really the only game in town and I’m excited to be sharing knowledge and successful practices with you. Let’s do this thing! We can truly be part of the change we want to see in the world!
A curriculum aimed at helping you find your inner strength and to stand up to whatever life throws at you. Encompassing yoga, physical therapy, exercise, nutrition, stress reduction and mindfulness.
Mondays 11am-Noon Starting March 2, 2020
$20 per class / 6 to 8 participants
Align: Our Design for Being Human / March 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd
Renew & Thrive coming. Stay Tuned.